These high-quality protective tarps have the strength and durability you need. These heavy-duty 12 oz. tarps are constructed of durable chemical-treated water repellent cotton canvas; they feature reinforced edges for additional durability and rustproof metal grommets that prevent breakage. These tarps are not only resistant to water but also to abrasions and harsh weather.
Since canvas tarps are known for their extreme durability, they are used in countless applications in almost every industry. They cover equipment, protect people, and divide space. Tarps are excellent for creating temporary and quick shelters; they can also be used as emergency blankets, converted into hammocks, or used as vehicle linings. Perhaps the most common use of tarps is covering items and people against sun rays, rain, or snow. But there are also many reasons why you should keep a heavy-duty tarp in your garage/ vehicle all year long.